Are you searching for a diet plan to lose some fat? Well, every food has a different process of digestion. When it comes to dieting I bet most of you have already tried a lot. If you are dieting then it’s a good start. But, for some dieting is no so fun. For them I have listed some tasty and best foods for weight loss. These foods for weight loss are totally healthy and yummy.
The rules are simple. Just eat enough.
Just cut a little calories everyday and you can easily lose some weight.
When you are suggested to eat healthy foods for weight loss. On the contrary, Ayurveda also suggests having a well balanced Indian home-made food for weight loss. Some foods are specifically eaten to lose weight so you can have a fun time losing weight.
A simple Hack for weight loss- Chew 32 times. This simple thing has a great effect on your food digestion. It makes you conscious about how much you eat. You will be eat less and lose weight effectively.
Here are top 20 best foods for Weight loss.

A bit shocked right? How come eggs are helpful in weight loss.
When it comes to weight loss. You need to focus on eating less and getting more energy. In a research some interesting facts were found. The people who ate eggs in breakfast eventually ate less in next meal. This leads to not eating much and losing weight.
Eating eggs fulfill your main goal. That’s, eat less but get more energy by what you are eating.
A whole egg keeps you fill and provides you energy for a long time. So, no doubt eggs are one of the best foods for weight loss.
Till, 3 hours after eating egg your tummy with stay filled. Eggs are eventually one of the best foods for weight loss.

When it comes to fulfilling food Oatmeal is one of the best weight loss.
A bowl of oatmeal in morning provides you with energy. Also, it keeps you fill for long.
Oatmeal is one food that you can make tasty and still helathy. A bowl of oatmeal is one of the best for weight loss. By adding, flavours you like you can have a treat of Oatmeal in morning.
If you are serious about weight loss you should first start simple on your diet. Small small steps will lead to big results.
Provides more protein, more fiber and more energy to keep you fill.
To tone your abs and cut out some weight try out Oatmeal for at least 21 days. And the one simple Hack we mentioned before must be followed.
Eat less but eat healthy. The richness of milk and beta-glucan will help you lose some weight. Oatmeal is no doubt one the best foods for weight loss. Some healthy foods for weight loss are coming further.

One of the most yummy option in foods for weight loss. Replace a meal with a healthy soup you like.
As our body contains 70% water. Our diet as should contain more water. Not a thing to mention but water is also one of the best for weight loss. Replacing one meal with soup will actually improve your digestive system. Also, soup is known to be one of the best foods for weight loss.
A vegetable soup with more chillies actually is best and healthy food for weight loss. Spices produces heat in body which stimulates to weight loss. One must definitely add Soup in 7 days weight loss diet.
Beans, Chickpeas and lentils

Pulses, small source of protein and fiber. These food are preferred the most cause of its high fiber, and protein content.
Soaked pulses are most effective in weight loss. One can just eat a bowl of pulses in morning.
Similarly, to eggs and Oatmeal. Beans and other pulses provides you a high energy that stays for a long time.
Make sure to add chickpeas to your salads as an additional value to the food.
It was noted that, the people who added pulses to their diet seen good results in weight loss. Pulses are one of the most recommended food for weight loss.
Weight loss food has to be light and energetic. Pulses are one of the best foods for weight loss. You can also add pulses in your 7 days weight loss diet.

Want fiber and healthy fats for your diet plan. Add some Avocados to your weight loss food diet.
Avocados have a never ending list of benefits. And the most best part of Avocados is helps in weight loss. Avocados are truly one of the best foods for weight loss.
Avocados helps lower your BMI. With Avocados add other healthy fruits and vegetables to your diet.
A perfect food option for weight loss. Add avocado smoothie or salad to your 7 days weight loss diet.
All in all one of the most healthy option for weight loss.
Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is always in a trend for its health benefits. Greek yogurt serves as one of the best food for weight loss.
Greek or traditional which yogurt you prefer? Basically, for more benefits and weight loss try out Greek yogurt.
You can actually make Greek yogurt at home. Add Greek yogurt in your 7 days diet plan for most benefits.
Greek yogurt has many amazing health benefits. Also, Greek yogurt is most preferred to make your skin healthy.
All in all you can have a bowl of yogurt in morning to add a good probiotic count on your chart.

Are you familiar with Sauerkraut? If not, Sauerkraut is one of the best foods for weight loss. A healthy option for weight loss cause it’s a fermented.
Their might be anyone who are health conscious and not know about Sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is kept for a fermentation process. To get the most out of Sauerkraut you can keep it for about 1-2 weeks. Keep it preserved. Don’t add too much of salt. Sauerkraut is no doubt one of the best food for weight loss.
What are the best foods that helps to lose weight effectively?
How can I lose weight fast?
Eat a high protein breakfast.
Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice.
Drink water before meals.
Choose weight-loss-friendly foods.
Eat soluble fiber.
Drink coffee or tea.
Base your diet on whole foods.
Eat slowly.
What is the most effective weight loss diet?
How can I lose weight in 7 days at home?
Reduce refined carbs.
Add fatty fish to your diet.
Start the day with a high protein breakfast.
Drink enough water.
Reduce your salt intake.
Consume soluble fiber.
How can I lose tummy fat fast?
Eat plenty of soluble fiber.
Avoid foods that contain trans fats.
Don’t drink too much alcohol.
Eat a high protein diet.
Reduce your stress levels.
Don’t eat a lot of sugary foods.
Do aerobic exercise (cardio)
Cut back on carbs — especially refined carbs.
How can I lose 10 kgs in 15 days?
Drink Water- Start your day with lukewarm or lime water.
Walk – Walk after every meal to keep your body away from accumulating fat.
Eat small – Losing weight is not synonymous with not eating at all.